2024 Program Topics & Workshops

Keynote Speaker & Panel

Dr. Sheri Weiser - (PANEL: Dr. Weiser, Dr. Millstein, & Dr. Kouklis)
本次演讲将重点讨论气候变化影响健康的机制,以及在不成比例地受到影响的人群中扩大健康差距的机制.  Using examples from the speaker's research, we will explore mechanisms including food and water insecurity, migration and displacement, vector-host migration, infrastructure erosion, and intimate partner violence.  澳门博彩开户送彩金还将讨论具有环境和健康双重效益的解决办法的例子, and help people adapt to the negative impacts of climate change.    


Health System Resiliency & Heat Related Illnesses 
Dr. Gayle Kouklis
Explore the implications of climate change, warming temperatures, and impacts on health, 同时审查对中暑疾病的严格管理以及如何将这些技能转化为医院医学, 包括对热恢复工具的讨论,以及面对高温时的气候迁移.

Climate Drivers of Migration
Zina Semenovskaya, MD, FAWM, ISTM
气候变化通过驱动极端天气事件显著影响移民模式, such as fires and floods, which cause immediate displacement. Meanwhile, long-term environmental changes, including rising sea levels, increasing temperatures, desertification, 农业生产力的下降改变了整个社区的构成, as families and individuals are driven to relocate. 这些由气候引起的移徙往往加剧了现有的社会经济脆弱性, further devastating struggling communities, 同时使接收地区的资源紧张,并造成社会和政治动荡. We will discuss the causes and consequences of climate induced migration, what changes can and must be implemented, and how we can work together towards a more sustainable future.

Climate Displacement Dangers
Dr. Andrew Lewandowski, DO FAAP
本次会议将探讨环境难民遇到的一些身心健康危险. 课程内容将通过讲故事的方式教授,让与会者更好地沉浸在因气候变化相关灾难而流离失所的感受中. 

Migrant Health Risks in the Marine Environment
Anna Lussier, MD-PhD Student

我目前的工作重点是全球健康和海洋环境的交叉, with a focus on the recent and worsening dangers to migrants and refugees. 我的演讲将讨论我正在进行的澳门博彩试玩送彩金穿越南部边境的人所面临的众多健康和环境风险的研究, implications for future policy, potential interventions, and the impacts on EMS response, health systems and border communities.

Dr. Amanda Millstein
这次演讲将集中讨论加州气候变化对健康的主要影响, its impacts, as well as advocacy opportunities at local, 地区和州的层面,以及加州卫生界可以共同创造变革的方式. 


Burn First Aid – a Paradigm Shift and Blister Care – To Pop or Not to Pop.
Mary Bing, MD, MPH
In this workshop we cover new burn care evidence. 澳门博彩开户送彩金将讨论用20分钟的冷水进行烧伤急救的概念,以及清除烧伤和摩擦引起的水泡是否有任何好处.

Pediatric Emergencies in the Wilderness
Daniel Gragert, DO, MPH
这将是一个专注于现实生活问题的研讨会,以帮助儿童安全地享受最偏远的环境. 它将涵盖多种实际情况,并就父母和医疗专业人员的要点进行对话.

Suturing and Wound Care in the Wilderness
Ben Hunt, MD, FACS
澳门博彩开户送彩金将讨论在资源贫乏的环境中处理伤口的各种技术, 你可能是最有资格照顾病人的人. We'll cover hemorrhage control, wound debridement, suturing, delayed primary closure, managing contaminated and infected wounds, and management of chronic wound complications such as fistulas, keloids, and contractures.

Extreme Exposure - Impacts of Heat and Cold Exposure
Dr. Gayle Kouklis

Bites, Stings, and Dangerous Things
Jordan Rode, MD
和澳门博彩开户送彩金一起潜入蛇、蜱虫、蜘蛛和其他生物的世界! We'll look at the various patterns of identification, 地球上许多危险居民的疾病进程和目前的治疗方案. You won't want to miss it!

Dr. Terry Ahern
Explore the complex relationship between avalanches, climate change and increasing numbers of backcountry users. 学习基本的风险缓解策略,审查雪崩受害者的医疗管理.

Fever in the Returning Traveler
Zina Semenovskaya, MD, FAWM, ISTM
小组案例讨论,回顾评估的原则和方法, 诊断和治疗因旅行相关疾病继发发烧的患者.

Dr. Kyle Hill
We will cover the basics of how to survive the unexpected in the wilderness, covering a broad number of topics related to navigation, SAR and the art of being prepared. 

Is there a doctor in the camp? Working as a camp doctor in a remote setting
Dr. Amanda Millstein
本次研讨会将从儿科医生的角度,介绍在约塞米蒂担任露营医生志愿者的一些基本知识,重点是常见的疾病和情况,以及一些更有趣的事情. Please join! 

Dr. Ali Hunt 
澳门博彩开户送彩金将深入探讨与流动人口一线工作的现实和经验, 如何在澳门博彩开户送彩金现有的医疗系统中提供足够的护理,以及如何参与!

Care Management in Disaster: A Primary Care Provider's Perspective
Candice Coursey, BA, MS, NP
澳门博彩开户送彩金的目标是讨论在不断变化的世界中,各种灾难对医疗决策的独特情境影响. 澳门博彩开户送彩金将审查START协议以及在这些现实中对管理患者很重要的例外情况的合法性. 

Tony (Arthur) Islas, MD & Mike Chaves, MD
澳门博彩开户送彩金将介绍下肢和上肢损伤的现场评估,包括骨折和脱位/移位. 澳门博彩开户送彩金还将讨论在野外环境中颈部受伤的适当治疗.

Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
Tatiana Havryliuk, MD, FAWM
Why I replaced my stethoscope with POCUS, and you should too!
In this two hour lecture and hands on workshop, 我将根据我自己在偏远地区工作的经验,提供一些假想的情况,在这些情况下,即时超声(POCUS)是必不可少的. We will discuss different applications of POCUS, what questions it can help answer, 以及在恶劣环境中携带POCUS设备旅行时应该考虑的问题.